I started this blog because of my interest in personal finance and financial freedom. Gosh, that phrase financial freedom is sooooo trite. I started blogging just before it became clear there was going to be a financial meltdown. I’ve been wondering exactly what my role in the overall economy is. I make money, I save money, I invest money and I spend it. But lately, it seems as though we are in a free-for all economy. Everyone is worried and out to get theirs.
It seems to be okay that some thrive while others suffer. Some intimate that the thriving of one group causes the suffering of another. (Certainly the financial meltdown has shown that a few thrivers have caused many to suffer) but are we really going to fall into a society so polarized that we argue that the thrivers must pay their fair share to ameliorate the suffering of others?
We live in a civil society…everyone must pay. To extend the tax cuts for everyone will cost roughly 4 trillion dollars. Extending them for the wealthiest 2% of Americans will make up $700 billion of that total. That means that the lion’s share of the tax cuts belong to the middle class. The grand total being roughly 3.7 trillion dollars. It seems silly therefore that we talk about budget deficits without considering the totality of tax cuts. We cannot target one group against the other and appear to be an intelligent nation.
I’ve been looking at the US budget since 2004. The US income statement is so easy to find. I discussed the budget in 3 previous posts : IOU America, IOU America Part 2 and Robin Hood.
In my previous posts I used a hypothetical college student as a micro example of the US Budget. Now I am going to use something more personal, me.
It is not a state secret I had major debt troubles; 30 years ago I got my first credit card, my debt increased gradually through the years until I had 16K a month revolving credit card debt. I had a house, a car, expenses and deferred student loan debt. My expense situation could be divided into immediate needs + short term debt. Lurking down the pike was the Ghost of Christmas future: long term debt + immediate needs + short term debt.
My short-term debt payments + immediate expenses were about 90% of income. I made up any short falls by borrowing, i.e., using credit cards. I knew that I had long term debt obligations that I would have to begin paying, but I was so busy being a rat on a wheel, I didn’t know how I was going to make that happen. Something snapped…I saw the light.
I adopted an austerity program. But I adopted a program that made sense. First I eliminated every expenditure that I didn’t absolutely need, that meant canceling credit cards, pre-paid calling cards, meals out. I only spent a dollar if it put food in my belly, kept clothes on my back, or put a roof over my head. I prioritized purchases, everything that didn’t fit the above categories went on a list. I needed some major help in the financial literacy department so I allowed myself to buy books on that topic…4 per month. One thing that I did do was develop a spending plan. I had to get to and from work and take call so I maintained my car. I also continued routine maintenance on my home to make sure the roof was okay and the cooling and heating systems worked. The spending plan helped me save and take care of the priorities around my home while I paid off my debts. It is important to mention that my total debt was 123% of my annual take home pay. Ouch!
It is important to understand that even while I was digging myself out of my hole, I had to continue to spend. I had to spend on housing, I had to spend on food, I had to spend on clothing, I had to spend on maintenance. When our lawmakers talk about all spending as a bad thing they are really blowing smoke. What they really should be saying is that we know we are going to continue to spend during this recession, but we only want to spend on the things we want to spend on. And there is the ideological rub.
There are the billions spent on unemployment insurance on the one hand or the trillions spent to make tax cuts permanent. The expenditure for unemployment insurance will stop at some point as the economy improves and the unemployment rate falls. The 4 trillion dollars in lost revenue through a permanent tax cut extension is, well, permanent. This debate is not about the budget it is about ideology. We have two 800 pound gorillas in the wings, the dual apes of Social Security and Medicare. The economy has forced us to talk about them at least a decade sooner than we’d like. We can’t kick the can down the road and everyone must be prepared to give something up.
I am tired of hearing that earmarks amount to a rounding error in the budget. At one end of an earmark is a Congressman or Senator who lobbied for their district, at the other end is a consituency who benefited. Everyone must pay, earmarks must stop.
It was wrong for Krugman to rail against the freeze in Federal pay. Federal employees have the most generous benefits packages around and have been receiving COLAs when others have been receiving pay cuts. Federal employee pay may be a rounding error in the budget but everyone must pay. By the way, VA and Federal employee retirement benefits were a 4 trillion unmet obligation in the Federal budget. A two-year COLA freeze will save money because it will affect retirement pay. The freeze should be extended to the military not on active duty.
I realized long before Mr. Obama was elected that my taxes were going to go up. Honestly, I’m really surprised they haven’t yet. My taxes should go up, but living in a civil society isn’t free. They should go up for everybody. We shouldn’t be discussing saving 700 billion, we should be discussing saving 4 trillion. Everyone should pay. To take the sting out of the tax increase, there should be a payroll tax holiday and reform of the tax code as Bowles and Simpson have proposed. Everyone will benefit from that.
We are in a recession, but there are still necessary expenditures. Just as I had to maintain my car and home when I was in my personal recession, we have to maintain our infrastructure and doing that requires spending money, a jobs bank requires spending money. Just as my mechanic and my plumber benefited from my maintenance plan, our citizenry will benefit from a jobs bank and infrastructure projects.
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